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Coplin Health Systems

Nine locations and one school-based unit later, Coplin Health Systems, a Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC), has grown from a single clinic location in Elizabeth, WV to serving the mid-Ohio valley and surrounding communities. From family healthcare and behavioral health services, to dental, physical therapy, and pediatrics, Coplin is dedicated to providing quality healthcare to the entire family.

Web Design
Web Design
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning

Challenges They Were Facing

  • Introducing their new brand to the communities they serve
  • Missing a key group of patients – mothers 18-54
  • Their target audience lacked knowledge of the services they offer
  • Lack of public education on health and wellness initiatives

Solutions We Provided

  • Photo/Video
  • Social Media Campaign
  • Paid Media Campaign
  • Earned Media Strategy
  • Professional Writing
  • Google My Business & Google AdWords

Results So Far

  • Increased website traffic
  • Increased social media engagement
  • Positioned Coplin as a leader in healthcare in their region
  • Increased new patients from 2018-2019
  • Increased patient encounters
  • Increased awareness of locations and services

Social Media

We worked to develop a strong social media campaign that speaks to all communities, highlights all services offered and exposes the community culture that is evident at each location. While we were at it, we branded all social media outlets and managed all aspects of their social media – we included field message and comments to ensure that patients and visitors were receiving timely responses.

Professional Writing

We added a blog to the new Coplinhealth.com site to create an avenue to drive traffic to the website from social media.


Paid Media Campaign – Coplin’s staff have the freedom to solve problems for their patients and are empowered to find a solution to fit a need. We created a video series that highlights various employees and the special relationships they have with their patients and the rolls they fill. A paid media campaign was implemented to ensure that the series is getting in front of the right audience.

Earned Media Strategy – We implemented an earned media strategy to showcase the quality in “Quality care in your community”. Awards, funding, provider highlights, training, new services, and partnership programs all are featured using earned media opportunities. We also manage their online presence with Google My Business and Google AdWords.

“Coplin’s staff have the freedom to solve problems for their patients and are empowered to find a solution to fit a need. We created a video series to highlight those special relationships.”

Lori Chenoweth, Owner / Vision & Strategy Director, LMC & Associates

Junie Maynard