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West Virginia Reading Association

Talk about a MAJOR glow up…

Our work with the West Virginia Reading Association (WVRA), including strategic planning, rebranding, and website design and development, are projects we can’t stop talking about.

WVRA has been dedicated to improving reading education since 1968, providing its members with education and resources to help them flourish. Struggling to retain membership and provide relevance for its target audience post-COVID, WVRA recognized the need for a marketing roadmap to help their organization evolve. At the end of 2020, WVRA member engagement was at an all-time low and lacked clear, consistent messaging and an identity that resonated with their core audience.

Together, LMC and the WVRA brought this organization’s identity out of the ’90s and into the present day.

Web Design
Web Design
Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning

Challenges They Were Facing

  • Low membership numbers post-pandemic
  • Outdated brand and website
  • Inconsistent messaging

Solutions We Provided

  • Strategic planning
  • Developed a new brand using elements of the existing brand
  • Created a brand standards guide
  • Designed and developed a custom, user-friendly, and storybook-inspired website that resonated with the core audience

Results so far

  • Increased membership by 9.5% over 1 year
  • Increased number of local chapters by +3 in 6 months
  • Increased traffic to the WVRA website by 1,404 users, 2,168 sessions, 2.07 pages/session, and 4,489 pageviews

Strategic Plan Development

January 2021… a new year filled with new challenges as many businesses and organizations began to face the repercussions of COVID-19. WVRA was no exception.

After canceling its annual event, the Reading Conference, due to the pandemic, WVRA struggled to reengage and recruit new members in a primarily virtual world.

Needing to enhance its digital image and presence, WVRA looked to LMC for guidance to define marketing objectives and create a marketing action plan.

LMC met with WVRA in January 2021 for a virtual Strategy Session in light of COVID-19 and to get all stakeholders and members together.

Based on the in-depth discussion, the following marketing objectives were determined:

  1. Build a foundation that poised the organization for growth.
  2. Grow and maintain membership to 500+ in 2021.
  3. Grow local county WVRA chapters statewide by 25% in 2021.

With objectives solidified and an action plan in place, LMC got busy with brand development and custom website design and development projects.

Brand Development

The 60s were calling and wanted their logo back. No—seriously, we aren’t kidding.

WVRA had changed A LOT since 1968, and its current member base leaned heavily towards elementary school educators. LMC used online surveys and interviews with board members to determine a new direction for the WVRA brand that would appeal to the target audience of Kindergarden-5th grade educators.

Using iconography that resonated with those surveyed, the new WVRA logo was born.

To complement the new brand, LMC also developed a brand standards guide for the organization to ensure consistency moving forward.


Custom Website Design and Development 

This. Glow Up. 

The previous WVRA website included a time capsule of fun features. From a website visitor counter to static webpages, the WVRA site did little to capture the attention of potential and current members.

The new site reads like a storybook with delightful watercolor illustrations that capture the essence of WVRA and tells their story to all who visit the site. Specifically, the new WVRA website needed to strategically showcase services, membership benefits, and conference registration and integrate specific Call-To-Action buttons that aligned seamlessly with the new brand without sacrificing site functionality.




Other rad features worth mentioning:

  • “Members Only” page with login allowing members to access files, modules, and data from the Research & Studies Committee
  • Interactive WV Map with links to individual chapters and leaders from across the state
  • Interactive Events Calendar for in-person and virtual events to house details and links to registration forms
  • A blogging platform for spotlights, guest articles, tips, and resources to be housed and used as a way to direct traffic to the site from social media



A brand and website have the ability to resonate with an audience by telling a story – and when your brand is about stories themselves, it all kind of clicks.