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10 Years in Review: A Reflection of Strategic Milestones at Agency LMC

balloons at LMC

As Agency LMC celebrates our 10th anniversary, we take a moment to reflect on a decade filled with growth, opportunities, and accomplishments. From humble beginnings in Lori Chenoweth’s (Owner) dining room to a thriving full-service boutique agency, our journey has been nothing short of amazing.

Here’s a look back at the key moments over the past 10 years that have shaped LMC into what we are today.

The Beginning: Our Passion and Vision

Agency LMC was born from a deep passion for the work and a love for our clients. When the opportunity arose for Lori to open an agency, it was a daunting yet exciting leap. Initially, her goal was simple: make a living doing what she loved. Little did she know, this passion-driven endeavor would evolve into a flourishing team of strategic consultants, marketers, designers, thought leaders, and more.

Learning and Growing Together

Like any budding business, Agency LMC’s early years were a whirlwind of valuable lessons and exciting discoveries. One of the biggest adventures was building the right team. Attracting talented individuals and creating an environment where everyone could shine was no small feat, but it was incredibly rewarding. We embraced the challenge, and with a lot of heart and hustle, we assembled the amazing group of people we have today.

The key was creating and nurturing an environment to support a dynamic workplace culture where creativity and collaboration could thrive. Thanks to the collective efforts of our dedicated team, we built a strong foundation that has been instrumental in driving our success. This vibrant, can-do spirit continues to propel us forward, making every day at LMC an exciting journey.

Our Major Milestones

Throughout these 10 incredible years, LMC has celebrated several significant milestones that have marked our growth and success. Hiring our first full-time employee in 2017 was a pivotal moment, transforming the agency from a solo endeavor into a collaborative team effort. Moving from the home office to our first office in downtown Elkins, and subsequently to our current vibrant location above one of Elkins’ favorite coffee shops (TipTop) reflects our journey of continuous growth.
In 2019, we won our first Gold Addy Award, setting the tone for future accolades, including numerous PRSA Crystal Awards. These recognitions affirm the quality and impact of our work.

Projects that Define Us

Several projects stand out as particularly memorable and impactful:

  • BCHA Logo & Name Development: Our first project with a healthcare client, establishing a long-term partnership and showcasing our ability to handle complex branding tasks.
  • The Center for Rural Health Development’s Influenza Campaign: We launched a statewide campaign during the COVID-19 pandemic to encourage and educate about vaccinations, a testament to our capability to manage large-scale projects and deliver outstanding results.
  • Coplin’s “What Does It All Mean?” Campaign: A comprehensive campaign utilizing research and strategy to educate patients, winning a Tactic Crystal Award.
  • Elkins-Randolph County Tourism: From a brand awareness research study to developing their logo, tagline, website, and launch campaign, significantly boosting the organization’s presence.
  • Woodlands Strategic Marketing Plan: Revamping their brand, conducting a photography shoot, and designing their website exemplified successful collaboration and strategic execution.
  • WV Primary Care Association Vaccination Campaign: A statewide initiative that included a video series and strategic media deployment.

Our Evolving Mission and Vision

Our mission today is clear: LMC exists to capture and spread inspiring, action-oriented stories utilizing strategic and innovative methods for the betterment of our partners and communities.
This mission took time to define, evolving with our growth and experiences. Our vision has always been flexible, adapting to the strengths and passions of our team while supporting our client’s goals.

Inspired by Possibilities

As we celebrate this milestone, we are filled with gratitude for our clients, team members, and supporters who have been part of this journey. The past decade has been a testament to the power of passion, resilience, and strategic growth. We look forward to continuing to capture and spread inspiring stories, driving positive change for our partners and communities.

Thank you for being part of our story and if you are just now joining us, we have plenty more chapters to write. Here’s to the next decade of success and innovation at Agency LMC!

How We Do It

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How We Do It

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Project Showcase

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