It’s the age-old question, why work smarter when you can work harder?
At LMC, the answer is simple: we’re working harder WHILE also working smarter. How in the world are we doing that? Simple, we’re repurposing content with a purpose. So now you’re probably wondering … What does it mean to repurpose content?
Repurposing content is the process of taking previously created content and altering it to use again in another fashion. Now you’re probably thinking, why would I just duplicate my content, what’s the strategy in that? There is strategy, I promise. But first, let’s dive in a little further on what I mean by repurposing content and the benefits of it all. ????
What are examples of repurposing content?
To repurpose, you need to start with a strong piece of content. We recommend a blog or a professional video. Once that piece of content is out there you don’t want to just let that die, do you? Of course not! You want it to reach as many people within your audience as possible. So, we would then take this blog and repurpose into things like:
- Instagram Reels or TikToks
- Infographics
- Animations
- Text Overlays
- Carousel Slideshows
- Stories
- Podcasts
- Etc.
Repurposing helps you not only to reiterate that information to your audiences but continue to spread the love again and again to others.
So, what is the strategy of it all?
Besides the obvious benefits of recycling and repurposing content (hello ready-to-go research <wave emoji>), there are many strategic benefits to repurposing your content. Some strategic perks include reinforcing your brand’s messaging, reaching audiences who may have missed the original piece of content the first time around, helping your content get an SEO boost, and more.
For example, when LMC wrote a blog about healthcare organizations needing marketing strategy help, we then quickly worked to take the information from the blog and repurpose it into other pieces of content that we could then share out on our social platforms like TikTok, Instagram, and Facebook. This helped drive that content to folks who may have not read the blog or folks that read the blog but didn’t necessarily take action after doing so. Multiple information touch points along the way with our niche audience will help strengthen both top-of-mind awareness and consideration for both clients and prospects.
What are some benefits of repurposing content?
There are so many, I’ve been staring at my Google Doc for the last ten minutes trying to decide just which one to start with. The biggest benefit is putting on autopilot with content once you have that initial piece of content created. If you start with a blog, it’s your guide to create the reel, the infographic, etc. The heavy lifting of researching and curating is done with and you get to just focus on the fun stuff: creating. ????
Second, you are able to create a piece of content for every single audience member in the medium they enjoy consuming. So, what does that mean? Well, I personally, won’t read blogs. It’s just not me, never has been. BUT you bullet that information and put it in a 60-second video? Sign me up. I will watch that ALL day. And vice versa, there are some people out there who would rather take the time to read that blog or listen to a podcast and if you are just continuously making one type of content, you’re missing SO many audience members. This fills in the gaps so all your audience members can consume the information the way they want to.
Additionally, repurposing content helps you to differentiate content across social media platforms. So, if your audience is following you on Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, and TikTok, they aren’t just seeing the same piece of content across the board. Instead, they’re getting the information in four different ways across these four different platforms.
How does LMC keep this all organized?
If you’ve been following the LMC gang at all, you’ve probably noticed we’re strategic in everything we do. And repurposing content is no different.
For this we use Content Archives. Our Content Archives are essentially our organizational system for our content. Once we write a blog, our team archives it, making notes about the topic and type of content. That way the next time one of our Social Media Managers begins to plan content, they have the detailed list of what content they’ve already created and how they’ve repurposed it in the same spot.
Repurposing content is one of our favorite hacks to ensure we are reaching our target audiences and are remaining top of mind with our fans. It can also be a big time-saver for content creators and marketers alike.
Remember, the process of repurposing can save your team time and money. This can, in turn, help expand your marketing investments even further.
If you already have killer content—and if you’re a part of the LMC family, you do—it’s time to reuse that across all of your social channels. With a little creative finesse, your social media managers can keep your content at the top of the game and your budgets right where they need to be. It’s a win-win! As always, stay sipping on your favorite beverage and keep your eyes peeled for the next Social Sip! ☕️

Instagram Reels
Instagram Reels are a new way to consume video content while staying on the same Instagram app we know and love. We see day in and out that this type of vertical video content is gaining so much traction on every social media platform. It started with stories, then of course TikTok took over our hearts and lives (at least mine, that is).
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If You’re Not On LinkedIn, You’re Missing Out
It’s no secret that in the last year we’ve seen an increase in traffic on all social media platforms and LinkedIn is no exception. Sure, it’s fun to make goofy TikToks at work and post pictures of your weekly coffee run, but if you’re anything like LMC -- you’re doing far more grinding than your Facebook followers are seeing. LinkedIn is the perfect place to share that content.
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Why Company Culture is an Important Part of Social Media Marketing
For the first time ever, marketers have access to a channel that allows a business to connect with their target audience one-on-one. Social media. A client, customer, patient, etc., can comment on your post.
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