Customized Website Feature
A key highlight of the initial site launch included the My Availability Page, a portal for potential clients to search their location and instantly know if they could receive 3WLogic Highspeed Internet. If their location is identified as being in the Micrologic service area, then that user is sent to a form to easily provide their contact info and be signed up for an install.
Before the launch of this new and highly functional website, Micrologic was not able to capture leads for new clients, nor did they know the market opportunity they had available to them. Every year, the number of leads increases, and we can now even segment them into specific niches of service for the company, whether that be internet, TV, security, or phone. LMC works on retainer with Micrologic to analyze website traffic, maintain site content, and optimize ongoing marketing efforts to optimize traffic to this inbound marketing hub.

Analytics Reporting
LMC reports monthly to Micrologic on analytics and data tracking for using the integrated Google Analytics tracking code installed upon launch.