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Woodlands Development & Lending

Community development in our backyard.

Born from the Randolph County Housing Authority, Woodlands Development Group has been dedicated to serving communities since 1995. Woodlands seeks to improve housing development and neighborhoods, redevelop downtowns, and plan community facilities and spaces.

When Woodlands reached out to our team, they had just been featured in the New York Times for their rural community development work throughout West Virginia. For our rustic community, this was a pretty big deal. However, staff was not keen to share their website and brand with such a large audience and garner national attention.

Strategic Planning
Strategic Planning
Web Design
Web Design

Challenges They Were Facing

  • Distinguishing the Development + Lending sides of the organization
  • Engagement with lenders and community members
  • No Strategic Marketing Plan in place
  • Lacking a show worthy website

LMC was able to identify key marketing objectives and actionable tasks to help Woodlands guide their marketing efforts, while making them more comfortable with the notoriety that national attention can bring. Two immediate projects were recommended including a brand refresh and new website to showcase their impactful work and stories with the world.

Together, LMC and Woodlands fine-tuned a stale, existing brand into a top-notch one and a website that’s as stunning as it is functional. Best of all, it allows Woodlands to celebrate their wins with style.

Solutions We Provided

  • Strategic Planning
  • Brand Refresh
  • Custom Website Development

Results so far

  • Provided consistent branding
  • Increased awareness of Woodlands services
  • Positioned Woodlands as an expert in the lending and community development sectors
  • Functional, custom, easily updated website for the client and target audience
  • A marketable hub to showcase success, impact, and stories

“Y’all and Katie have made us all look much more professional and have helped us with outreach and showing our impact. So important!”

Emily Wilson, Woodlands

Strategic Plan Development

If you didn’t know, amazing things come from Strategic Plans–especially LMC Strategic Plans.

In early 2021, LMC met with key leaders and board members of both Woodlands Development Group and Woodlands Community Lenders to develop a strategic marketing plan for the organization as a whole. From a Marketing Strategy Session to producing a comprehensive report outlining the direction for the organization.

LMC reconvened with the group to present their recommendations with projects including an organizational name change, brand refresh, and custom website development. The Strategic Plan also provided a detailed content matrix and tagline/messaging component for the organization to utilize.

A roadmap towards effective marketing was now ready to be implemented.

Brand Refresh

Let’s face it – brands and logos go in and out of style like nobody’s business, and Woodlands’ was ready for a facelift.

From color palette to the logo design itself, Woodlands wanted to revamp the brand but still be identifiable with their communities. The new logo encompasses both the Development and Lending sides of Woodlands while keeping the signature leaf design of the previous logo.

The new contemporary design will allow Woodlands to showcase their accomplishments and convey their mission with style.

Custom Website Development

Say it louder for the people in the back… We. Love. This. Site. As far as transformations go, Woodlands had a full on glow up.

To more accurately showcase the services, ability and people of Woodlands, we suggested the redesign and redevelopment of woodlandswv.org. The new website highlights projects, impact, and partnerships with original photography, storytelling, and graphics. In addition to being visually appealing, the website is optimized for target audience user experience above all else.

We designed the site to be simple, clean, usable, elegant…and free of shag carpet.

Other rad site features include:

  • WordPress platform for optimal user friendly management
  • Blogging
  • Google Analytics to track web visitors and their behaviors
  • Social Media integration
  • Video library
  • Secure Server License (SSL) Certificate install

Multi-County Photoshoot

Encompassing three counties (Barbour, Randolph, and Tucker), including hundreds of partners, it made sense for Woodlands to invest in high-quality photography that showed the organization’s character and personality and feature actual business owners.

A total of three photo shoots were scheduled and carried out and LMC delivered just over 600 photos for Woodlands’ photo library.



The impact?

Authentic photographs that make a statement and represent the organization’s staff and partners. Photography assets continue to be used for print and digital marketing tactics by Woodlands.


With a new take on their brand identity, it was only natural to freshen up their collateral.

LMC took the reins on developing collateral to match the new brand, delivering business cards, letterhead, a PowerPoint template, and more.

Woodlands Collateral