LMC was business as usual…
but then, as with everywhere else in the world, COVID-19 hit. The uncertainty of COVID-19, paired with the unforeseen challenges of owning/operating a business is enough to make anyone panic.
If you’re struggling through this pandemic, just know you aren’t alone. Times are different, and it’s only natural that the marketing and advertising atmosphere has shifted as well.
So what did LMC do?
We took a step back – then came back together (virtually, of course) to refine some of our marketing strategies to help our clients continue to succeed. Because we pay close attention to our clients’ website and social insights, we started to take note of some pretty dramatic changes happening.
Things We’ve Noticed
People are online
- Now more than ever, we’ve noticed organic traffic to our clients’ websites.
They’re coming in droves! Turns out that lockdown hasn’t kept users from doing their research, planning a trip, or looking for resources online. - Now is the time to STAND OUT from your competitors!
It’s time to build top-of-mind awareness
- Since people are using social media and surfing the web, let’s get in front of them with relevant messaging.
- Remember, it’s important to think carefully about your messaging – don’t be tone-deaf to the situation around us.
How we’ve adapted
Constantly Tweaking
- In case you didn’t know, we here at LMC are planners. We love a well thought out plan and sticking to it. As you can imagine, COVID-19 threw a wrench directly into our planning process. In the case of social media management, instead of planning six weeks of social content in advance, we decided to cut that in half. With business hours and services constantly changing, it made the most sense to take things one day at a time, rather than have to reassess the relevance of planned content later down the line.
Creative Considerations
- Evaluate your campaigns carefully. If you have a humorous campaign planned, consider banking the idea for a more appropriate time. In addition, Facebook has been flagging promoted posts using the words “COVID” “Pandemic”, etc. in the copy to combat misinformation. Our social media managers have been carefully crafting social copy and content with all of these things in mind.
Working as a Team
- Just like most other teams, we had to change the way we worked internally and communicated with our clients. While it was easy for our team to adjust to Zoom meetings as we worked from our home offices and couches, our clients were on all sides of the spectrum. From conference calls to Zoom and even FaceTime, we were dependent on our and their technological capabilities rather than our usual face-to-face meetings.
Adjusting the Tone
- We knew we needed to adjust messaging across the board. For each of our clients we evaluated our brand voice and tone to ensure we were speaking to their customer base and doing so in a personalized way – because no two clients are alike!
When treading through the murky waters of a pandemic, or when the seas calm and life is back to a sense of normalcy, it is important to always keep marketing strategies current and relevant. We know you’re busy, but try to make time to consider all of the above when strategizing or re-strategizing your marketing efforts.
Looking for a partner to help you reach your business goals?
Don’t hesitate to reach out.

How We Build Websites
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Behind the Strategy: Barbour Behavioral Health
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