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Wake up and smell the strategy.

Strategy separates a mediocre plan from one that produces tangible results and exceeds expectations. LMC’s Strategic Marketing Planning process is a five-step journey into a client’s unique and specific marketing needs. From the outset, we will work with you to develop goals, strategies, and actions designed to maximize and measure both the investment and the return of your marketing and advertising initiatives.

Step 1


LMC believes that every marketing effort needs some level of research in order to be successful.

Our initial research includes analyzing competitors’ marketing efforts, performing a SWOT analysis, and reviewing what other similar organizations are doing in other markets. This type of secondary research can aid in understanding the current status of the issues at hand and in gauging the successes and failures of other, similar campaigns.

Step 2

Strategic Planning/Goal Setting

LMC will conduct a Strategy Session with the client during which results are reviewed and the assembled team uses the research findings to develop the basis for a marketing and public relations plan. Initial ideas for the budget, tactics, timeline, and overall campaign goals/objectives are also established.

A Strategy Session is scheduled for approx. 2-4 hours but is flexible depending on the client’s needs. The end of the session results in the development of agreed-upon goals, objectives, strategies, and tactics.

After the Strategy Session, LMC will provide the client with a strategic marketing plan that will include the following:

  • Marketing goals and objectives
  • Target audiences
  • Market recommendations
  • Measurement guidelines
  • Tactics, including advertising, public relations, and social media
  • Messaging Recommendations
  • Timelines for execution

Step 3

Campaign Development

In this phase, LMC begins a discussion about campaign concepts and ideas based on the outcomes of the Strategy Session. In the end, campaign development includes the creation of creative concepts and a paid advertisement plan. The plan is a living document, meaning changes deemed necessary during the implementation can be easily executed.

Step 4


At the implementation stage, all of the refined campaign elements are discussed in terms of how they will be executed according to the established budget and timeline. This portion of the session defines the overall implementation phases of each campaign.

Step 5


LMC is dedicated to producing measurable results for clients. Those results may be measured in a variety of ways. The method of measurement will be determined and agreed upon during the Strategy Session.

“LMC provided a fantastic summary of where we stand and the prospects of beneficial change.”

David Moran, Tucker Community Foundation Board President

Agency LMC Team


Drop us a line

Let’s get a coffee. Your next project is as unique as your coffee order. Latte, chai mocha, half-caf-double-swirl-macchiato. The way we see it – if you’re not standing out, you’re blending in. So, let’s get together, get caffeinated, and discuss your project – big or small.