In case you didn’t already know…
We’re celebrating 7 years here at LMC—and what a fun and exciting adventure it’s been!
We consider ourselves fortunate to have so many awesome clients and to have collaborated on some pretty rad projects over the years. And while there’s a lot we could brag about, we’ve narrowed it down to seven of our favorite projects to share with you.
Get to know some of our favorite campaigns, launches, creative projects and more by reading on:
LMC Self Promo Launch (Website, Social)
???? Location of Service: Elkins ????
About the Project
After a much-needed brand refresh we decided it was time to show off a bit >> So, with a little drama and lots of impact we went ahead and launched a shiny, new website ✨ But … we didn’t stop there. We brought the show to Facebook and kicked-off our social media presence to share with the world some of the highlights of our growing agency.
What impact did this project have on its audience / market?
New website = new opportunities // We love having the ability to showcase our diverse range of services and some of our latest projects. We keep things fresh with frequent blogging >> Make sure to check back for some LMC insights, social media tips, and MORE.
If you aren’t aware, social media is kind of our thing and we really dig creating social media calendars and distinctive social content for our clients. We finally took the leap to increase our top-of-mind awareness and put an end to that pesky comment we used to receive, “But you aren’t on social media!”
Our response—“Relax, people. We’re on Facebook and LinkedIn thus far, and Social Media Director, Erin Brown is killing it.”
What impact did it have on LMC?
We spend so much time giving our love and time to our clients … sometimes we forget about nurturing ourselves. We all knew it was time for a little self-care for our LMC brand. Today we have a hub for content and a modern / trendy site to drive traffic to, and a place for our target audiences to see our fun side on social media.
Webster County Tourism Social Media
???? Location of Service: Webster County ????
About the Project
If we traveled back in time to 2016 ⏳ we wouldn’t see a social media account for Webster County Tourism. With mountains of adventure to enjoy, this county is an outdoor-lover’s paradise. Social media has made a big impact on a low budget and positions the county as an unmissable destination.
Just FYI—you should probably start planning your trip. ????
What impact did this project have on its audience / market?
Engagement, engagement, engagement. Social media has allowed Webster County Tourism to grow ???? First with Facebook and now Instagram, Webster’s social footprint is branching out into the electronic devices of their defined audiences through targeted ads and a sound social media strategy. ????
What impact did it have on LMC?
Webster County Tourism continues to grow its social media audience under our watchful eye. We’re always keeping a lookout for comments, shares, and likes and managing frequent notifications. We’ve also written a blog or two … or three or four—that you should definitely read—because we love telling a good story and Webster County has quite a few of those.
Frankly, tourism is a niche we’re always thrilled to be a part of, and Webster County is no exception.
The Flu Campaign
???? Location of Service: Statewide ????
About the Project
This was a campaign to be proud of ???????? as we strove to encourage flu vaccination across the state during an unprecedented time >> COVID-19. After an initial strategy session, the integrated #EveryOneAddsUp campaign was developed by the LMC team.
Multiple videos and advertisements were produced for different target audiences and distributed on social media & broadcast, placed on billboards, and more.
What impact did this project have on its audience / market?
The content plan was structured around blogs, press releases, and branded animations and infographics to further educate state residents on the importance of vaccination. The Center for Rural Health Development reported increased flu vaccination rates and overall vaccination awareness. Results that matter. ????
What impact did it have on LMC?
LMC continues to evolve with our healthcare clients and their ever-changing needs. We love having the opportunity to make an impact on the health of West Virginia residents.
Elkins-Randolph County Tourism Website
???? Location of Service: Randolph County ????
About the Project
If you weren’t aware, Randolph County, West Virginia is an awesome place to visit. But, really! When Elkins-Randolph County Tourism (ERT) approached us for the design and development of their new website, we all had visions in our head of the picturesque Monongahela National Forest from the fire tower at Bickle Knob, the curvy flow of the Shavers Fork, and dining lavishly, a cocktail in hand, atop Kelly Mountain Road at the Forks Inn and Restaurant. Yeah—we could go on and on …
We were really stoked to bring this website—and everything the County has to offer—to life.
What impact did this project have on its audience / market?
Randolph County has a tourism website to brag about. It not only portrays the region’s authenticity with ease, it shines with its video header and user-friendly navigation. Visitors flock to this website to plan their weekend getaway in the mountains, and enjoy an exceptional website experience when they do.
You can learn more about the ins and outs of this project by reading our Case Study.
What impact did it have on LMC?
This modern and clean site won LMC a Silver ADDY >> and gave us the opportunity to support tourism in our own backyard. Talk about a win-win ????
Upshur CVB Travel Guide & Website Award
???? Location of Service: Upshur County ????
About the Project
The Upshur County CVB is completely reliant upon digital platforms to serve as a hub for their inbound marketing pieces, since their primary audience is visitors to the area. They needed a travel guide and website where resources, information, trip planning tools, and other creative content could be housed and organized.
Beginning as we always do, we sat down with Laura Meadows, CVB Director, and her team to conceptualize a new travel guide. Once completed and off to print, we worked together to draft the perfect site map, or blueprint, for a new site. Upon approval of the site map, LMC turned that blueprint into a homepage design that we all knew would meet our target audience’s needs all thanks to the framework provided by our site map.
What impact did this project have on its audience / market?
A cohesive campaign message was branded across both digital and print mediums: “Small Town Getaway, Big Time Charm.” The website, as a whole, paints a compelling, true picture of Upshur County.
Features integrated into the new site included:
- Modern & clean design
- Dynamic events calendar
- E-marketing signup integration
- Lead & inquiry forms for visitors to submit questions & request info
- Video background footage
- Visitor ability to filter shops, restaurants, recreations listings, and more
- Video gallery to house footage
- Blog integration
The new site is a drastic improvement, boasts a modern look, and is user-friendly. Learn more about this project by reading our Case Study.
What impact did it have on LMC?
A happy client and a Gold ADDY Award for Best Integrated Marketing Campaign always raises the morale around LMC.
Barbour Community Health Association Brand Development
???? Location of Service: Barbour County ????
About the Project
LMC’s relationship with BCHA began in the Spring of 2017 when we worked closely with Eric Ruf, CEO, to develop and launch a brand that all staff and board of directors approved of—one that would give them a reputable presence in their region and make them the trusted go-to organization for healthcare needs.
We wanted to create a clean, easy-to-read, modern brand that would allow for a complete logo system to be executed. Logo systems are commonly used for brands that have a parent association and smaller offices that branch out from the parent brand. This allows for easy recognition and relation of the branches as being a part of the parent brand, creating brand continuity and equity.
What impact did this project have on its audience / market?
By rebranding BCHA and creating a logo system, we would re-introduce the brand to the community and easily communicate the relationship Barbour Community Health Association has with each clinic. This positioned BCHA for growth by developing and designing brand assets that were clear, authentic, and harmonized with its services and messaging throughout newly-acquired locations.
Check out our Case Study on Barbour Community Health Association to learn more!
What impact did it have on LMC?
To this day, the brand development for Barbour Community Health Association still stands as one of our stronger brand identity projects. We are entirely proud of the work we do for this organization on a daily basis and the relationship we have built with the people on the inside.
Brand Suite – Micrologic Community Connect Grant Tower Launches
???? Location of Service: North Central West Virginia ????
About the Project
Micrologic, located in Upshur County, is a premier telecommunications company, offering custom security, internet, phone, and data solutions to both residential and commercial customers in West Virginia. In November 2017, the Central West Virginia Development Association was granted $3 million by USDA Rural Development for a project called “The Community Connect Grant.” The goal of this grant is to bring broadband to rural, underserved parts of Upshur, Randolph, and Barbour counties. Micrologic was contracted to upgrade three microwave towers already in place and build 26 towers across the three counties to deploy fixed wireless broadband to over 3,500 households and businesses. These towers will provide broadband access to nearly 9,000 West Virginia residents and employers—which is kind of a big deal.
As the towers began to launch one by one, LMC was tasked with creating launch plans for each activation. It was critical that as the towers were built, the marketing was in place to alert community members around each site to “sign up.” Working with members of Micrologic’s leadership team, LMC created a plan that included yard sign deployment, targeted Facebook ads, press releases, and email marketing. The result was overwhelming. The first group of towers which were activated in the spring of 2020 resulted in 358 unique inquiries to Micrologic’s My Availability web page, which was a 281% increase in leads to the site over the same time period for 2019.
What impact did this project have on its audience / market?
It’s not enough to secure the funding for these towers and to build them, we also have to let the community know they are available for service. The impact was that severely underserved areas of West Virginia became aware of internet service now available in their area.
What impact did it have on LMC?
It makes us extremely proud to work alongside Micrologic day in and day out and to be part of the team that helps to deploy internet service to our Wild and Wonderful state is not only rewarding, but also meaningful.
The past seven years have sped by for the #LMCSquad.
We’ve grown in size, taken on new and challenging projects, and have delivered results above and beyond our clients’ expectations. But since we’re passionate planners we tend to always be looking to the future, and must say…we’re pretty psyched about what’s to come.

How We Build Websites
We build websites to be proud of. These aren’t your typical template, cookie-cutter, or DIY websites. Your business is unique and your website should be too. That’s why we build custom websites, from the ground up.
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Adapting Our Practices During a Pandemic
The uncertainty of COVID-19, paired with the unforeseen challenges of owning/operating a business is enough to make anyone panic. Times are different, and it's only natural that the marketing and advertising atmosphere has shifted as well.
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Behind the Strategy: Barbour Behavioral Health
To showcase BCHA's rapidly expanding behavioral health department, we developed an integrated video campaign to spread the word about these specialized services now available in the community.
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